Friday 19 December 2014

Day 72 Thursday December 18
Warm up:
■30m of quad stretches
■20m lunge steps...
■20 DUs
■20 inchworms
■Prisoner squat walk 10m then do leg swings then squat hop 10m back and do leg swings in perpendicular plane
■Stretch, rollers, bands as necessary

Strength component: Back squats
■3 x 10 @ 50-60% 3RM
■Between sets: 3 box drops + explosive vertical jump

Descending Ladder
Complete 10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 of the following
■triceps dips
■DB figure 8s
■ab complex (froms)
■pull ups
■heavy seated rows (small weight rows)
■DB shrugs
Finisher: 2 x [25 jacknives + 25 sit ups]
Cool Down: 3 min light skipping
Your Personal WOD: 30 lb arm curls 3 sets of 10 (900 lb each arm)
20 pull ups
25 sets of stairs
December 17th

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Friday 12 December 2014

Day 69 Friday December 12
Bar complex day is here! Warm up thoroughly…...
■2 min run
■3 min skip
■4 min active warm up: hips and shoulders, full ROM, prepare for ALL phases of the complex
■Rollers, bands, stretch as necessary

■Light reps of deadlift, hang clean, push press, front squat. Concentrate on the transition between the 4 lifts. Ask for help if you need it.
■Get a trustworthy spotter who will help and encourage you.

The 9 Minute Bar Complex
Max weight: 135. Min weight: 35. Any increment between is fair game. Complete as many rounds of the following as possible in 9 minutes:
■5 deadlift
■5 hang clean
■3 push press
■3 front squat
**NOTE: You may NOT put the bar down except the touch for the deadlifts. If you put the bar down, you must “pay” 5 burpees to pick it back up again.
***NOTE #2: My advice is to do this with a partner and split the workout into EITHER 3 sets of 3 minutes or 2 sets of 4:30. Partners: your job is to SPOT YOUR PARTNER PROPERLY!! Encourage each other. This is no picnic!
Finish with: 50 jacks, 50 crunches, 50 mountain climbers
WOD:350 lb leg press 2 sets of 10 (7500 lb total)
50 air squats
30 push ups
75 crucnhes

Thursday 11 December 2014

Day 68 Thursday December 11
Warm up:
■Run 2 minutes. Seriously. Two minutes. Not less please. (In Gym)
■Skip: minimum 1 minute. Include at least 10 DUs....
■Squat walk + squat hop 10m
■Inchworms 10m back
■Shoulder ROM, openers, bands
■Stretch, rollers, bands as necessary.

Strength component: bench press
■3 x 8 @ ~75% 3RM
■Between sets: 5 pull ups and 10 empty bar shoulder shrugs
Leg Work
Complete 3 rounds of the following. Recommended rest is 1 minute. Take more if you need it.
■20 front squats (add empty bar if you want)
■30 lunge steps
■30 calf raises
■20 (wide stance) squats
■50 jumping jacks
■50 second wall sit
Finisher: 100 crunches + 10 AbMat sit ups (as difficult a version as you can)
WOD: 40 push ups
1 minute 30 second plank
30 sit ups
30 lb arm curls 3 sets of 10 (900 lb total)
Wednesday 10th December

SNOW DAY!!!!!!
Tuesday December 9th

Warm up:...
■Run and or skip until HR > 120. Minimum one minute run and one minute stretch.
■Mobility: hip openers, squat walk and hop, leg swings + shoulder ROM, posterior deltoid with bands, partner shoulder stretch
■Stretch, bands, rollers as necessary

Strength component: Bench, Squats, Thrusters
■3 x 12 @ ~50-60% 3RM
■Between sets: 3 pull ups, 3 crunches
Reverse BW Pyramid
Complete the following, chip it if necessary: only one round
■50 sit ups
■40 push ups
■30 box jumps
■20 pull ups
■10 triceps dips
■40 sit ups
■30 sit ups
■20 box jumps
■10 pull ups
■30 sit ups
■20 push ups
■10 box step ups
■20 sit ups
■10 push ups
■10 sit ups
Your Personal WOD: 25 lb arm curls 2 sets of 10 (500lb per arm)
110 lb bench press 2 sets of 10 ( 2200 lb total)
15 sets of stairs
15 pull ups
renagade rows 30 lb 2 sets of 10 (3000 lb total)